Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hello, I'm Wildflower, welcome. Welcome to my space for freedom. Ah freedom, what a wonderful concept. I wonder how it really feels. Actually, I do have memories of freedom, both brief and beautiful. At the time however, I had no idea just how wonderful it was. I miss it like an old friend; like a lover from the past. Like a summer breeze by the water washing over me. It was truly beautiful. But that time has since passed, yet I hope, only for a season; only for a winter. If freedom were a season, it would be spring, late spring; yes if freedom were a month it would be May. May is a month of hope, the month when we most experience our "looking forward to’s” In May you can literally smell freedom. May is when the wildflowers start to bloom; when they burst free and stand proud, when they face the sun, and love the light. May is when the wildflowers bow only to the storms in reverence, and in gratitude, for their nourishment.

I was once a brave and beautiful wildflower, but have allowed myself to become wilted by the weeds of despair and and the thorns complacency. Well no more...

Today begins my TTNY journey. TTNY = This Time Next Year. This time next year, next May, I will be free again.. Freedom means different things to different people. For me it means returning to a place void of mental, emotional, or spiritual chains and limitations. It means not surprising my creativity or passion, and returning to living every day as it it were my last; as each day very well may be. It means becoming unzipped. There are days, too many, where I feel like there's a zipper that goes from my head to my toes, and I'd like to start at my forehead and unzip the person holding me prisoner and step out and return to Wildflower, to me. TTNY, I'll be unzipped.

I'm looking forward to this journey and it's chronicles, and for those that visit here, I hope you do too. Until next time, this is Wildflower...be free!